As we agreed at out AGM in January ETA have donated £300 to the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal. The Sunshine Appeal is a fantastic organisation that has been raising funds since 2003 and we fully support their aim “to bring a little sunshine to the lives of children whose countries were visited by the Tartan Army on tour”. We are proud to support them and thank them for the amazing job they do and will continue to help them where we can. One of their fund raisers is the Kilted Golf Day and ETA ‘s golf section hope to send a team or two to the event. This takes place on Saturday 9th July at Deer Park Golf Club, Livingston, costs £160 per team of four including a breakfast roll with tea/coffee, and one course lunch. If you are interested in playing in this event or want to know more about our golf section email the mailbox. You can find out more about the Tartan Army Sunshine appeal on their website
This month’s ETA committee meeting is on Thursday (21st April) at Platform 5 opposite Haymarket Station. Starting at 7.3opm all members are welcome as we discuss a couple of events planned for later this year. One of these events will probably be a race night to raise funds for the Sunshine Appeal and the other charities we continue to support.